Most people today get their information from the internet, and the use of social media continues to grow. This alone may be a good enough reason for anyone to jump in, but there are a few caveats for physicians.
The following lists include a few resources to help you get started. This is not comprehensive by any means, but these links should hopefully point you in the right direction.
Choosing the Right Platform
- How to Choose the Best Social Media Platform for Your Business
- Which Social Media Platforms Are Right For Your Business?
- Why All Doctors Should Be on Twitter
- 8 Facts about Americans and Instagram
- TikTok Tips for Medical Practices
Social Media Skill Development
- Ten Twitter Tips For Beginners
- Tips for Tweeting (Social Media for Regional Anaesthesia Education)
- 10 Questions To Answer For Social Media Success
- 21 Ways Physicians Can Use Social Media
- 5 Tips to Minimize Risk for Physicians on Social Media
- A Primer for Setting Up Your Professional Twitter Account
- Tweeting the Meeting
- Social Media Basics
Content Curation
- The Complete Guide to Content Curation: Tools, Tips, Ideas
- Your Top 7 Tools For Social Media Content Curation
- Social Media and Regional Anaesthesia Education
Crisis Management in Social Media
- A Three-Stage Approach to Handling a Healthcare Social Media Crisis
- How to Manage a Social Media Crisis: A Practical Guide for Brands
Content Creation